Friday, April 18, 2014

The Indomitable (Lazy) Spirit

We NIFTians take pride in being an empowered, artistically talented and a highly creative lot. But apparently that is where it ends; in taking pride. But don’t be mistaken, we do possess the Indomitable Spirit.

Our exams are nearing, we have assignments to do, our teachers are worried, our parents are apprehensive and our projects are calling out to us. Yet, we do not give in. We do not bow low. We do not let our Spirits be conquered by fear. We take a deep breath and a ticket to the currently running movie. We exhale.

The marks which could potentially be ours are now fading into the extra hours of hard work that we are putting into our gossip sessions to keep ourselves updated. We cannot let the work pressure win over us. So we let it build a little more.

And NO, we will not work until it is absolutely necessary. Until we’ve resisted till the last minute. Until we’ve seen the exam-schedule in its eyes and said “I’ll prepare... After an hour”. And that is how year after year, batch after batch it goes on. Our Spirits are united, inspired by each other, and they are Indomitable.

So we look at our fancy stationeries, read our assignment topics and log onto the internet for inspiration. Then we listen to our unofficial anthem. The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars.

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