Friday, April 18, 2014

A Midsummer Night's Conversation Or Why I Started This Blog

A Whatsapp conversation. Between two deeply philosophical females.

10:57pm, 9 Sep 2013 – Bakchor A: Hey
Bakchor N: Ki holo?
Bakchor A: Major BT happening
Bakchor A: Life
Bakchor A: I can turn the best of things in my life into a source of self esteem bashing
Bakchor A: That's my one big talent in life
Bakchor N: That's a bad phase nothing else.
Bakchor N: Your talent is awesomeness
Bakchor N: I think you should also meet new people.
Bakchor N: Learn something.
Bakchor N: Or teach.
Bakchor A: So that I look at new people and feel more depressed about how shitty I am in comparison
Bakchor N: You'll even earn some pocket money.
Bakchor A: I could teach.
Bakchor A: Yes.
Bakchor A: Depression 101.
Bakchor N: Ya.. write a book on it. Cash on your tragedy!
Bakchor A: How to get depressed by anything and everything and ponder your existence in 3 simple stages
Bakchor N: Write a blog.
Bakchor N: Make it interesting.
And sad.
Very very sad.
Bakchor A: I'm writing it right now.
Bakchor N: And it'll help u release the negativity.
Bakchor N: Out in the universe.
Bakchor A:
Bakchor N: C'mon. Something more creative.
Bakchor A: Somethingmorecreative.blogspot
Bakchor N: You used to write well in school.
Bakchor A: Sadly...
Bakchor A: Writing left me.
The breakup is still recent...
Bakchor N: Really now?? 😛
Bakchor A: So the wounds are fresh.
Bakchor N: Bring it back
Bakchor N: Type
Bakchor A: We always had a love hate relationship
Bakchor A: Often...writing made me feel like a whore...came to me...only for certain one night stands
Bakchor N: Ya. Because you are destined to become the ranbir kapoor from rockstar.
Bakchor A: Can't write.
Bakchor A: Don't give me another complex please
Bakchor N: Plan
Bakchor A: Sutta.
Bakchor N: Eat
Bakchor A: Daaru.
Bakchor N: No
Bakchor A: Potty.
Bakchor N: Yes
Bakchor A: Blow my brains out with dad's service pistol.
Bakchor N: But people. Socialization.
Bakchor N: Meet losers
Bakchor N: You're finger licking good
Bakchor A: Hai?
Bakchor N: Just saying.
Bakchor A: Truck it man.
Bakchor A: They think their life is cool.
Bakchor A: They think they're winning the rat race.
Bakchor N: Yo baybeh
Bakchor A: Then there are the cool ones...smoking a joint in the corner...laughing at them rat race runners...thinking they're all cool..
Bakchor A: But truck all of them...
Bakchor N: Spider Jerusalem
Bakchor A: Mothertrucker michael phelps beat us all man
Bakchor A: he did it eating mayo cheese sandwiches
Bakchor A: AND he smoked pot
Bakchor N: Beat us! Beat us!
Bakchor N: He did it at 18.
Whats the stupid point of competing.
Bakchor N: That mothatruckin monster aaaaaa!!!
Bakchor A: He beat us with ADHD
Bakchor N: Nwooo.
Bakchor A: Imagine the ass serving we would have gotten if he wasn't a retard
Bakchor N: Servings of an ass dot WordPress dot com
Bakchor A: Copy paste this convo on the internet.
Bakchor A: And we have "Escapist's guide to Nirvana".
Bakchor N: And win free porn for lifetime!
Bakchor N: Blog entry #1
Bakchor A: We make a good bakchori team
Bakchor N: You MUST write woman.
Bakchor A: I'm seriously considering copying this only
Bakchor N: Go on.
Make us fame-us!
Bakchor A: You post it.
Bakchor A: Withhold identity obviously
Bakchor A: My friends will guess
Bakchor N: Hahaha. They'll be happy for you .
Bakchor N: To see how cute n funny you are even when you're sad.
Bakchor N: I'm posting this tomorrow.
Bakchor A: Ok. I'm bakchor A
Bakchor N: Pakka
Bakchor A: You're Bakchor N.
Bakchor N: Cool?
Bakchor N: Name of the blog?
Bakchor A: Although when they reach "potty" they'll obviously know its me
Bakchor N: Oh. Of course. Potty. More important.
Bakchor A: Start from "major BT happening"
Bakchor A: Gives the convo the context it needs while remaining short and sweet
Bakchor N: I have a blog called disgustingly disguised.WordPress btw
Bakchor A: Hai?
Bakchor N: Ok ok. *makes notes*
Bakchor A: We are pretty self explanatory people
Bakchor N: Obviously.
Them trucking ditches need no spoon feeding.
Bakchor A: And if people don't get the idea of the blog entry by "bakchor A and bakchor B"
Bakchor A: They don't deserve to be reading us
Bakchor N: True dat.
Bakchor A: *acts all snooty*
Bakchor N: Snootypotty.blogspot?
Bakchor A: Nope
Bakchor N: Servings of your ass?
Bakchor A: It’s a big step
Bakchor A: Let it remain unnamed abhi
Bakchor N: Yes yes. *nervous shivers*
Bakchor N: Nameless for a while.blogspot
Bakchor N: Ablogwithnoname.WordPress
Bakchor A: Can it be changed later?
Bakchor N: Can
Bakchor A: I hereby bestow the right to give it a name onto you
Bakchor A: Temporary name
Bakchor N: *exaggerated bow*
Bakchor N: *slow claps*
Bakchor A: *even slower walking like red riding hood*
Bakchor N: *kisskiss*
Bakchor A: *this is my cue to leave*
Bakchor A: Okay all bakchori aside
Bakchor N: *writing like this looks so pretty!*
Bakchor A: You're not really posting it are you?
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor A: WHAT THE TRUCK!!!! Nooooooo
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor N: You can't take it away from me.
Bakchor A: Oh god
Bakchor N: Iambic.
Bakchor N: Iambic.
Bakchor N: Wtf autocorrect.
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor A: I'm going to regret it
Bakchor N: Gpl. For you.
Bakchor N: Gpl on your vagina.
Bakchor A: I feel like the park avenue ad for their beer shampoo
Bakchor N: Kheekheekheekhee
Bakchor A: And that's the lowest point of anyone's existence
12:24am, 10 Sep 2013 - Bakchor A: Night!!!

The Indomitable (Lazy) Spirit

We NIFTians take pride in being an empowered, artistically talented and a highly creative lot. But apparently that is where it ends; in taking pride. But don’t be mistaken, we do possess the Indomitable Spirit.

Our exams are nearing, we have assignments to do, our teachers are worried, our parents are apprehensive and our projects are calling out to us. Yet, we do not give in. We do not bow low. We do not let our Spirits be conquered by fear. We take a deep breath and a ticket to the currently running movie. We exhale.

The marks which could potentially be ours are now fading into the extra hours of hard work that we are putting into our gossip sessions to keep ourselves updated. We cannot let the work pressure win over us. So we let it build a little more.

And NO, we will not work until it is absolutely necessary. Until we’ve resisted till the last minute. Until we’ve seen the exam-schedule in its eyes and said “I’ll prepare... After an hour”. And that is how year after year, batch after batch it goes on. Our Spirits are united, inspired by each other, and they are Indomitable.

So we look at our fancy stationeries, read our assignment topics and log onto the internet for inspiration. Then we listen to our unofficial anthem. The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars.


A moonlit night
This does not belong to the werewolves,
It isn't of the bats and vampires,
This one is different
Blushing with untold secrets.

"Raise your spirits, silver soul!", said Mama Love
While she put her crimson painted nails
Inside her gypsy-bag to produce;
What I comprehended to be; a magic crystal ball.

"Not more prophecies of Prince Charming
Descending from the clouds on his stallion",
I sighed to myself.
"Cheer up little thing
For the starts conjure up some lovage for you!",
Mama Love spoke, with visible glee.

"Love for yourself, that you left behind
Giving up what was your only own.
Color yourself with the violet vapors of this night
Meet your enchanted soul."

And she disappeared with the winds
As they blew over me the sands of the desert
Like glitter
The fairy dust settling on me.
This night is different..