A Whatsapp conversation. Between two deeply philosophical females.
10:57pm, 9 Sep 2013 – Bakchor A: Hey
Bakchor N: Ki holo?
Bakchor A: Major BT happening
Bakchor A: Life
Bakchor A: I can turn the best of things in my life into a source of self esteem bashing
Bakchor A: That's my one big talent in life
Bakchor N: That's a bad phase nothing else.
Bakchor N: Your talent is awesomeness
Bakchor N: I think you should also meet new people.
Bakchor N: Learn something.
Bakchor N: Or teach.
Bakchor A: So that I look at new people and feel more depressed about how shitty I am in comparison
Bakchor N: You'll even earn some pocket money.
Bakchor A: I could teach.
Bakchor A: Yes.
Bakchor A: Depression 101.
Bakchor N: Ya.. write a book on it. Cash on your tragedy!
Bakchor A: How to get depressed by anything and everything and ponder your existence in 3 simple stages
Bakchor N: Write a blog.
Bakchor N: Make it interesting.
And sad.
Very very sad.
Bakchor A: I'm writing it right now.
Bakchor N: And it'll help u release the negativity.
Bakchor N: Out in the universe.
Bakchor A: Wikidepression.org
Bakchor N: C'mon. Something more creative.
Bakchor A: Somethingmorecreative.blogspot
Bakchor N: You used to write well in school.
Bakchor A: Sadly...
Bakchor A: Writing left me.
The breakup is still recent...
Bakchor N: Really now?? Blognamefail.blogspit.com 😛
Bakchor A: So the wounds are fresh.
Bakchor N: Bring it back
Bakchor N: Type
Bakchor A: We always had a love hate relationship
Bakchor A: Often...writing made me feel like a whore...came to me...only for certain one night stands
Bakchor N: Ya. Because you are destined to become the ranbir kapoor from rockstar.
Bakchor A: Can't write.
Bakchor A: Don't give me another complex please
Bakchor N: Plan
Bakchor A: Sutta.
Bakchor N: Eat
Bakchor A: Daaru.
Bakchor N: No
Bakchor A: Potty.
Bakchor N: Yes
Bakchor A: Blow my brains out with dad's service pistol.
Bakchor N: But people. Socialization.
Bakchor N: Meet losers
Bakchor N: You're finger licking good
Bakchor A: Hai?
Bakchor N: Just saying.
Bakchor A: Truck it man.
Bakchor A: They think their life is cool.
Bakchor A: They think they're winning the rat race.
Bakchor N: Yo baybeh
Bakchor A: Then there are the cool ones...smoking a joint in the corner...laughing at them rat race runners...thinking they're all cool..
Bakchor A: But truck all of them...
Bakchor N: Spider Jerusalem
Bakchor A: Mothertrucker michael phelps beat us all man
Bakchor A: he did it eating mayo cheese sandwiches
Bakchor A: AND he smoked pot
Bakchor N: Beat us! Beat us!
Bakchor N: He did it at 18.
Whats the stupid point of competing.
Bakchor N: That mothatruckin monster aaaaaa!!!
Bakchor A: He beat us with ADHD
Bakchor N: Nwooo.
Bakchor A: Imagine the ass serving we would have gotten if he wasn't a retard
Bakchor N: Servings of an ass dot WordPress dot com
Bakchor A: Copy paste this convo on the internet.
Bakchor A: And we have "Escapist's guide to Nirvana".
Bakchor N: And win free porn for lifetime!
Bakchor N: Blog entry #1
Bakchor A: We make a good bakchori team
Bakchor N: You MUST write woman.
Bakchor A: I'm seriously considering copying this only
Bakchor N: Go on.
Make us fame-us!
Bakchor A: You post it.
Bakchor A: Withhold identity obviously
Bakchor A: My friends will guess
Bakchor N: Hahaha. They'll be happy for you .
Bakchor N: To see how cute n funny you are even when you're sad.
Bakchor N: I'm posting this tomorrow.
Bakchor A: Ok. I'm bakchor A
Bakchor N: Pakka
Bakchor A: You're Bakchor N.
Bakchor N: Cool?
Bakchor N: Name of the blog?
Bakchor A: Although when they reach "potty" they'll obviously know its me
Bakchor N: Oh. Of course. Potty. More important.
Bakchor A: Start from "major BT happening"
Bakchor A: Gives the convo the context it needs while remaining short and sweet
Bakchor N: I have a blog called disgustingly disguised.WordPress btw
Bakchor A: Hai?
Bakchor N: Ok ok. *makes notes*
Bakchor A: We are pretty self explanatory people
Bakchor N: Obviously.
Them trucking ditches need no spoon feeding.
Bakchor A: And if people don't get the idea of the blog entry by "bakchor A and bakchor B"
Bakchor A: They don't deserve to be reading us
Bakchor N: True dat.
Bakchor A: *acts all snooty*
Bakchor N: Snootypotty.blogspot?
Bakchor A: Nope
Bakchor N: Servings of your ass?
Bakchor A: It’s a big step
Bakchor A: Let it remain unnamed abhi
Bakchor N: Yes yes. *nervous shivers*
Bakchor N: Nameless for a while.blogspot
Bakchor N: Ablogwithnoname.WordPress
Bakchor A: Can it be changed later?
Bakchor N: Can
Bakchor A: I hereby bestow the right to give it a name onto you
Bakchor A: Temporary name
Bakchor N: *exaggerated bow*
Bakchor N: *slow claps*
Bakchor A: *even slower walking like red riding hood*
Bakchor N: *kisskiss*
Bakchor A: *this is my cue to leave*
Bakchor A: Okay all bakchori aside
Bakchor N: *writing like this looks so pretty!*
Bakchor A: You're not really posting it are you?
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor A: WHAT THE TRUCK!!!! Nooooooo
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor N: You can't take it away from me.
Bakchor A: Oh god
Bakchor N: Iambic.
Bakchor N: Iambic.
Bakchor N: Wtf autocorrect.
Bakchor N: I am.
Bakchor A: I'm going to regret it
Bakchor N: Gpl. For you.
Bakchor N: Gpl on your vagina.
Bakchor A: I feel like the park avenue ad for their beer shampoo
Bakchor N: Kheekheekheekhee
Bakchor A: And that's the lowest point of anyone's existence
12:24am, 10 Sep 2013 - Bakchor A: Night!!!